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  • Loved it

    By Grammy-amy
    Great light yet insightful content.
  • So worth the read

    By linlin233625
    I loved this book. It’s one of those stories that is going to stick with me for a very long time. You can see yourself in almost every character and I loved the writing style. Felt like one of those books that I needed at just the right time.
  • Kept me reading

    By Nickosopolous
    I just wanted to keep reading to find out what happened next! I love the mental health aspect of this book. Highly recommend the read
  • Well done

    By TrinaDeboree
    The beginning started me, but the story was told so well. It gave me hope, and reminded me to be brave. I loved the ending. Well done.
  • Loved It

    By Talker26
    Loved this book. Kept my interest entire time. Many thought-provoking situations.
  • The wedding people

    By rlschermann
    Great character development.
  • The wedding people

    By Reclusive1
    Loved it!
  • Really loved the MC’s evolution

    By ccbirdwrites
    The Wedding People, a sub-sect of society that I’ve never thoroughly thought about but here we are. I really enjoyed Phoebe's story, because at its core that what this was. The journey a woman takes during a week of wedding celebrations that she wasn’t invited to but somehow becomes ensconced in. While at times it was predictable, it was never cliche, which it very easily could have been. This story of lost heartbroken Phoebe, doesn't end when she finds herself, in fact, its conclusion is her first step into an uncertain world that she is scared but excited to enter. Because anything, even the fear of the unknown is better than ending it all. While it’s hard for me to simply summarize this novel, I would definitely recommend it to the right person.
  • Couldn’t put it down!

    By Mymaxsilly
    It’s been awhile since I’ve read a book that I didn’t want to put down or to end. Loved these characters and wish I could follow them through life.
  • Head’s up…suicidal thoughts involved

    By Kebello
    A head’s up in the description would have been nice before I purchased this book that contains painful content