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  • A Must Read

    By It's Sax
    As a follower of Jesus, I can honestly say I’ve struggled in my personal prayer life. I can remember when this book was announced the title immediately captured my attention, I knew it would be a must read for myself. After finishing this book, I wanna say thank you to Tyler who has modeled a life of prayer throughout the course of his lifetime. The personal stories of his own, as well as those others he knew were compelling. As I concluded the epilogue, I was encouraged as well as challenged by this statement, “For Jesus and his earliest followers, communion with God marked the passage of time. Everything else happened a certain distance before or after prayer. Everything else was prioritized around prayer rather than prayer fitting in around competing priorities. Communion with the God of love was the center of life, the anchor for their every day.” This book has been (subjectively) the best I’ve read on prayer and the life Jesus not only modeled, but also desired for us. A must read!