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  • Interesting read!

    By Oma 3
    This is a book one must read to see how far women have come and medicine. Set in the 19th century Nora Beady flees to Bologna to fulfill her dream of becoming a surgeon. England will not allow Nora to learn and Bologna does accept women applicants, but Nora suffers many problems as the only women in the school. She has to work twice as hard to prove herself. The story swings back and forth between England, with her love and a fellow doctor Daniel, her guardian Horace a brilliant surgeon and her mentor. To Bologna with her struggles to get respect and earn her license as a surgeon. The discovering the benefits of ether and trying to find ways to cure and repair the body. Very interesting and a learning experience this story does bring. Amazing how groundbreaking the time was. Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. I am voluntarily posting an honest review after reading an Advance Reader Copy of this story. #NetGalley #TheSurgeonsDaughter #RBMedia