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  • Weird, but worth it

    By Coach Hobbs
    There was some out of the box philosophies on some of the ideas in this book, but the strongest points he made were outstanding. A worth while read.
  • Wonderful Contemplative read!!!

    By Globall giving
    Wonderful reading if you are contemplating, Why am I here? What can i do? Wonderful explanation of cognitive decline and how it can be used as we positive.
  • I liked the book but …

    By Jokaye
    I kept waiting for something more. As one who had modest success in what Brooks calls spiral careers, I always thought work life balance was just common sense. But he seems to suggest otherwise. Moreover I was bothered by Brooks’ idolizing of faith - given what we know of systemic abuse of children by Catholic priests and other religious leaders.
  • A self helpish book

    By madaboutmadmen
    While Arthur makes a lot of great points for consideration, I am not sure the entire read was worth the time.
  • It’s time to make time

    By DrMcDougall
    I’ve had a great life - learned a lot, taught a lot of people, started several businesses and enjoyed the ride - now I feel like there should be more, or should I be doing more? This book has helped in those decisions as I prepare for the next steps without knowing what they are - and that’s okay, because I’m ready to be doing things I enjoy while still helping others - but now it’s also helping myself…
  • A good wake up call.

    By Oz_Tekay
    Everyone, at some point in life (hopefully sooner), must read this book. Very insightful. Arthur draws attention to what people dont want to hear easily. And those who do, it is like a fresh air and hope to see that life exists ataby point in time.