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  • Not Your Typical Vacation Romance

    By Marie Bourgery
    This wasn’t your typical vacation romance hanging out on a beach or visiting all the tourist places. Davis was put to work as soon as he recovered from motion sickness with his parents, brothers, Chloe, Travis and the rest of the volunteers helping rebuilt a village in Thailand. I would enjoy helping with something like that, but I wouldn’t enjoy sleeping in a tent off the grid without access to regular showers very long. I wonder if Davis is on the spectrum as he’s highly intelligent, thoroughly researching hut building before he visited and he has sensory issues. Chloe was a bit prideful to tell him to stop in the middle of his work and not let him fix things that weren’t done right. She is the founder and director, but she should be open to input especially if it makes their jobs easier and the work more effective. I loved that the book took me on an adventure off the beaten paths of Thailand with the elephant sanctuary and the children dosing them with water and baby power in celebration.